Recycle your Computers & Technology with us.

Managed IT Services

It's Like Having Your Own IT Department

  • Proactive Computer Maintenance

    Everyday there are new patches, updates, and hotfixes available from Microsoft for your computers. To help keep your systems running at their optimal level, we developed technology to perform automated updates and maintenance on a DAILY basis on all of your machines.

  • Helpdesk and Remote Support

    We provide Desktop support and service for any computer, network, software, e-mail, or Internet issue. Whenever you have ANY technology related problem, we are here to help.

  • Backup Solutions

    We can implement DAILY backup checks to ensure that your critical data is protected. We know how vital your information is to your business, so we make sure that your backups are being done properly. If your backup does fail, we waste no time figuring out what went wrong so we can prevent it from failing in the future. We can also perform periodic backup audits to ensure your data is available when you need it most.

Contact us today to find out how your businsss IT can become proactive, flexible, affordable and managed!

Request a Free Network Assessment!




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